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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Students chanted and raised hand-written signs during the SLUT Walk on Tuesday while marching past the Biological Sciences building.

S.L.U.T. Walk promotes awareness for sexual assault

Clarissa J. Wilson, Staff Reporter September 24, 2014

Standing up for victims of sexual assault, the Women’s Empowerment League gathered on the South Quad Tuesday evening. The S.L.U.T. Walk, known as Satirically Lessening Unfair Theories, was designed...

Angela Rose, a victim of sexual assault, tells her story during an open forum on Wednesday in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.  Rose was abducted from the Woodfield Shopping Mall and subsequently assaulted.  At first authorities did not believe her story but eventually the man who assaulted her, who had a long rap sheet, was caught.

Survivor shares sexual assault experience, education

Stephanie Markham, News Editor September 3, 2014

When a 17-year-old Angela Rose realized someone was following her about 10 feet away, her face turned bright red. She figured he probably heard her singing aloud to herself, so she felt embarrassed. As...

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