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The Daily Eastern News

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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Jerimiah Boyd-Johnson, a senior political science major, presents Marisol Gamboa, a candidate for the University police, and opens the room for questions inside the Paris room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Third UPD chief candidate talks student-officer relationships

Luke Taylor, News Editor October 24, 2021

A third candidate for campus police chief, Marisol Gamboa, told students she was interested in providing personal relationships between officers and students during an open session Friday. Gamboa is...

Parts of Eastern to close for Thanksgiving break

Rylee DeLong, Contributing Writer November 22, 2019

Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and that means Eastern will be closed. Starting Friday at 8 p.m. all residence halls will have their locks changed out, so students will not have access to any of...

Special hours in effect over summer

Zoë Donovan, Staff Reporter May 13, 2019

Many popular and important resources on Eastern’s campus have special hours over the summer. Hours for these services and resources change in the summer months because of reduced student traffic. Only...

College is a cup of coffee: too brief

Carole Hodorowicz, Columnist April 24, 2019

For the past couple of weeks, my dad has been repeating a few words to me that have yet to hit me with their full weight until I sat down to write this column, my last column for The Daily Eastern News: “College...

Panelists speak at a faculty forum where threats to higher education, including decreased funding, were addressed.

Faculty forum looks at threats to higher education

Brooke Schwartz, Administration Reporter February 13, 2018

Decreased funding for colleges and universities and how the public misunderstands their mission were two threats to higher education looked at during a faculty forum on Tuesday. The forum included an...

Factors considered in Facilities

Cassie Buchman, News Editor February 27, 2017

When it comes to Facilities, many factors go into deciding what projects are started and completed as well as what is prioritized. Last semester, Workgroup No.5 looked at Facilities and made recommendations...

Editorial: Eastern’s break tragically short

Staff Editorial January 18, 2017

As many students have found out by now, Eastern has begun the second week of the spring semester at the same time that many of the neighboring institutions are starting their first week back from winter...

Editorial: Make library services a funding priority

Staff Editorial October 19, 2016

Everyone has their own wishlist for when the budget is restored. Some people list restoration of terminated Building Service Workers at the top of their budget wishlists. Others want cut academic programs...

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