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The Daily Eastern News

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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Madelyn Kidd is a senior journalism major and can be reached at 581-2912 or


Madelyn Kidd, Editor-in-Chief April 19, 2023

I have never publicly told anyone this, but reporting on other students sharing their experiences on sexual assault and harassment made me want to do the same.   When I was 18-years-old at my first...

Statistics from the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network.

EIU students speak out on sexual assault experiences

Madelyn Kidd, Editor-in-Chief April 18, 2023

Editor’s Note: This article includes mentions of sexual assault and harassment with statistics and specific details from others’ experiences.    Eastern students anonymously broke the silence...

Update on suspicious man says he drove red van

Corryn Brock, News Editor September 12, 2019

According to an Alert EIU sent Thursday, the alleged male suspect accused of slapping two women on their buttocks Monday and Tuesday night is believed to be driving a red van. The original alert sent...

Changes made to ethics training in 2018

Vince Lovergine, Sports Reporter February 27, 2018

Starting this year, newly hired employees at Eastern will now have to complete their training on sexual harassment prevention within 30 days. Shawn Peoples, interim director of the Office of Civil Rights...

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