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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The Board of Trustees will meet in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union at 1 p..m. on Friday.

Board of Trustees to discuss Glassman’s personnel contract

Cam’ron Hardy, News Editor January 20, 2023

The Board of Trustees will meet Friday at 1 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union to discuss University President David Glassman’s personnel contract and a preview...

Eastern President David Glassman delivers his State of the University address in the Doudna Fine Arts Center Thursday afternoon. Glassman spoke multiple times of the growing status of Eastern, largely in part to a growth in enrollment and a stronger state budget situation.

Glassman addresses state of university, underlines successes, goals

Analicia Haynes, Senior Reporter October 3, 2019

Eastern will have to continue regulating its expenses this fiscal year to maintain a balanced budget. However, for fiscal year 2020, Eastern will not be required to reduce spending from the previous fiscal...

Glassman talks capital development needs request, Springfield

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief March 4, 2019

Eastern requested $145 million in capital development needs and emergency capital needs from Springfield on Feb. 28. Eastern President David Glassman said he and Paul McCann, the interim vice president...

Student safety addressed, Glassman’s plan

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief March 1, 2019

Eastern President David Glassman said he wants to meet with African-American student organizations on campus to understand what they mean by “not feeling safe” on or off campus. Glassman also said...

Glassman to give State of University

Staff Report September 11, 2017

Eastern President David Glassman is set to give the university’s annual State of the University Address 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Dvorak Concert Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. According to a...

Glassman to Senate: We’ve already cut back all we can

Analicia Haynes, Online Editor March 8, 2017

Eastern President David Glassman met with the Illinois Senate Committee on Higher Education Tuesday and presented the ongoing struggles the university has endured as a result of the budget impasse. After...

Hashni Vidana, a biological sciences graduate student asked asks a question of President Glassman during Monday night’s “Dr. G. You and Me” student forum in Buzzard Auditorium. Vidana suggested a mentoring program for all new students. She said while obtaining her Bachelor’s in England her mentor was very beneficial with basic things such as finding a grocery store and said all new students could benefit from a similar program.

Students voice ideas at forum

Chrissy Miller, Administration Reporter March 7, 2017

Students told Eastern President David Glassman their suggestions and concerns about the university’s community at an open student forum Tuesday evening. Hashni Vidana, an international graduate student...

Glassman proposal calls for control over international students’ tuition

Samuel Nusbaum, Administration Reporter November 27, 2016

  The Board of Trustees heard a report about progress of the vitalization project and Eastern President David Glassman’s proposition asking the board to give him control over international students’...

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