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The Daily Eastern News

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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Eastern alumna Julie Proscia gives her presentation, “The #MeToo Movement: Transition From Outrage to Action”, for Women’s History Awareness Month in the Doudna Lecture Hall on Tuesday night. The presentation was to bring awareness about how sexual assault and sexual abuse victims today are reclaiming and stating their power as women.

Alumna talks advocating for women amid #MeToo era

Hannah Sieg, Contributing Writer March 6, 2019

Eastern kicked off Women’s History and Awareness Month (WHAM) with “The #MeToo Movement: Transition From Outrage to Action” with keynote speaker Julie Proscia at the Doudna Lecture Hall Tuesday night....

Feminism is not the same as man-hating

October 2, 2018

When people hear the word feminist, different images may pop into their heads. They may think of a liberal fanatic wearing a pink hat and screaming into the void about the patriarchy, or maybe a left-wing...

Listen to those who go unheard

September 25, 2018

There is a problem that has been making headlines around the world that seems especially prevalent right now: sexual assault. Even with the talk generated by the ‘Me Too’ movement, it still feels...

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