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The Daily Eastern News

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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Student Trustee Payton Ade, a sophomore interpersonal communications major, speaks during the Board of Trustees meeting Nov. 12 in the Martin Luther King Jr. Union University Ballroom. During the meeting, Ade voted against a contract extension for University President David Glassman after speaking to student leaders who said they did not believe Glassman should have a contract extension. The one-year contract was approved and Glassman plans to serve as president until the end of his contract when he intends to retire.

Pritzker appoints Ade to Illinois Student Assistance Commission

Corryn Brock, Editor-in-Chief December 22, 2021

Governor J.B. Pritzker appointed Payton Ade, student trustee on the Board of Trustees and sophomore interpersonal communication major, to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The commission’s...

EDITORIAL: Insulin price cap excellent for Illinois

Staff Editorial January 30, 2020

Illinois just became the second state to put a cap on monthly insulin prices after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law Jan. 24. The new law will not go into effect until January 2021, but once it...

Glassman talks capital development needs request, Springfield

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief March 4, 2019

Eastern requested $145 million in capital development needs and emergency capital needs from Springfield on Feb. 28. Eastern President David Glassman said he and Paul McCann, the interim vice president...

J.B. Pritzker talks with a Charleston resident Wednesday after a meet and greet at the Jackson Avenue Coffee shop.

Pritzker discusses game plan, opens up about wiretap

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief July 6, 2017

Democratic primary gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker addressed how he would work with the legislature and his platforms during a meet and greet arranged by the Coles County Democrats. Supporters...

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