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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Alpha Psi Lambda hosts Game Night and Potluck

Valentina Vargas, Staff Reporter September 16, 2018

Alpha Psi Lambda hosted a Game Night and Potluck at 5 p.m. Friday in the Culture Center to welcome students interested in learning more about the co-ed Greek organization. Adam Sandoval, a co-founder...

Sororities, fraternities prepare for Greek Week

Maggie Runge, Contributing Writer April 3, 2018

Members of sororities and fraternities on campus have been gearing up for this year’s Greek Week. From April 7 through April 15, sororities and fraternities will compete with each other in a range of...

Greek organizations raise money for Alzheimer’s

Mandy Grepares, Contributing Writer February 27, 2017

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. To help fight it, Greek organizations have been raising money for Alzheimer’s research. Hugo Escobar, president of...

Members of Sigma Kappa sorority and Delta Tau Delta fraternity perform their cheer for the crowd at the "OZ-SOME" Yell Like Hell pep rally in McAfee gym Friday night.

Pep rally encourages students to “yell like hell”

Cassie Buchman, News Editor October 23, 2016

Both Greek and registered student organizations showed that there is “No Place Like EIU” at this year’s Yell Like Hell pep rally. Teams cheered and danced using their own routines with their groups...

Jillian Colletti, a junior therapeutic recreation major, shows photos of her sisters from throughout the year and explains what Kappa Deltas do to Callie Acree, a junior biological sciences major, during the sorority fraternity interest fair Wednesday. Acree said she was going from table to table to get a feel for each sorority. She also said she has known she wanted to be involved in greek life for a while.

Students gain greek information at fair

Janet Pernell, Multicultural Reporter September 1, 2016

Nineteen Greek organizations gathered for a night to educate students about their fraternity or sorority life. The third annual Fraternity and Sorority Interest Fair took place Wednesday in the University...

Students with Kappa Delta walk across the Library Quad towards Greek Court after new sorority members received their bids at the end of recruitment on Monday.

Rushing in the rain

September 15, 2014

Chynna Miller| The Daily Eastern News   
Rush candidates walk through the Library Quad after recieving their bids for Fall Recruitment 2014 Sunday.

Low enrollment causes decline in Greek participation

Samantha Middendorf, Entertainment Editor September 14, 2014

Eastern’s dropping enrollment is expected to affect Greek enrollment for the year. Greek life has experienced several issues because of the decline in enrollment. Dean Harwood, director of fraternity...

Hannah Braman, a freshman early childhood major and Katelyn Fawns, a sophomore business major, run to their new sorority sisters in Alpha Sigma Tau during bid day which took place in the Library Quad on Monday.

Sororities to open doors to new members

Samantha Middendorf, Entertainment Editor September 11, 2014

Every fall semester, new, returning and transfer female students endure formal recruitment with the hopes of joining the sorority of their dreams. It takes many helping hands from the various sororities...

The 2014 Yard Show

The 2014 Yard Show

September 1, 2014

Marvin Collins, a senior Pre-Medicine major, and Jerome Montgomery, a senior Pre-Medicine major, represent their fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc by stepping Friday during the Yard Show on the steps of the Doudna Fine Arts Center.

Step show brings awareness to minority fraternities, sororities

Roberto Hodge, Multicultural Editor September 1, 2014

Red and nude toned lace panties rained down from the Doudna steps as the women cheered on the “pretty boys” of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity’s cane stepping routine Friday evening. Their routine...

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