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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Dan Hahn is a graduate student studying English and can be reached at 217-581-2812.

COLUMN: Dwindling milk sales highlight big dairy’s greed

Dan Hahn, Columnist April 19, 2023

A recent New York Times article “Got Milk? Not This Generation” discusses dwindling milk sales among Gen Z. The article introduces Yvonne Zapata, “an ambassador for a milk producers’ campaign...

City Council approves moratorium for cannabis businesses

Hannah Shillo, Associate News Editor October 1, 2019

The Charleston City Council voted unanimously to establish a moratorium for cannabis businesses at its meeting Tuesday evening. This moratorium was established to study the introduction of cannabis businesses...

CAA to vote on family and consumer sciences option revision

Staff Report January 11, 2017

The Council on Academic Affairs will vote on revising the dietetics option in family and consumer sciences and three family and consumer sciences courses at their meeting Thursday. The actions requested...

Student ambassadors gain internship opportunities

Samantha Barileau, Contributing Writer November 13, 2016

  Student ambassadors in the College of Business have the chance to develop skills and access exclusive internships. These ambassadors are a volunteer group who conduct tours for prospective...

Eastern students affect profits of local businesses

Blake Warman, City Editor August 28, 2014

With the return of Eastern students, the city of Charleston goes through a system of changes. One of these substantial changes is the increase in town population. With this increase, local businesses...

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