Cam'ron Hardy
Tiffany Hunter, a 22-year-old Charleston resident, poses in the Kat Walk practice on Thursday in Groniger Arena on Eastern Illinois University’s campus in Charleston, Ill.
The Kat Walk modeling agency at Eastern will be walking alongside University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign students in a fashion show on Sunday.
Approximately 21 models from Eastern will be walking in the fashion show including Aniyah Smith, a sophomore criminology/criminal justice major.
The models have been practicing for about a month, said Smith, with casting calls being held in January. While some models made the cut, others were cut from being a part of the show but were still welcomed and encouraged to be involved in other events that the organization held.
Smith said that she aids in teaching the models tips and steps to be a model.
“We teach you how to be a kat, how to be a model, all the tips and tricks, all the basics, help create the formations and routines,” Smith said.
Smith defines the kat models as “the best of the best.” She compared the models to cheetahs, calling both fierce.
Tiffani Hunter, a 22-year-old Charleston resident, had no modeling experience prior to the casting call but decided to try out after a friend convinced her to.
She said she had never even worn heels prior to the casting calls.
Going into the first practice, Hunter said she felt intimidated by the other girls that were participating.
“I felt like they were so much better than me, which they were, but it came with practice,” Hunter said. “I realized that it didn’t come overnight; these girls have been walking in heels for quite a long time.”
Hunter said she has gained more confidence in herself since joining the Kat Walk.
“It’s motivating seeing their confidence when they walk, so I just channeled some of that energy,” Hunter said.
Hunter has learned a lot of techniques since she started practicing.
A lot of the techniques Hunter learned, she said, came from other kat model Izzy Geoffrey, a junior health administration major.
Geoffrey said if there was anyone she was most proud of regarding their progress, it was Hunter.
After Geoffrey helped Hunter with her heel walk on the first day and Hunter came back the second day walking fine, Hunter knew she was going to like Geoffrey.
Geoffrey had previous experience modeling and has been the model coach for Eastern’s Kat Walk for about a year. When the role was first presented to her, she was hesitant to accept it due to being a quiet person, but wanted to challenge herself with the role, she said.
“As a model coach, you have to be willing to learn people, understand where they’re coming from and then like seeing how they’re walking and see what you can input into their walk,” Geoffrey said. “
To help both herself and the other models, Geoffrey looks at other models on TikTok and Instagram and sees what she can implement into their walks.
“I’d be seeing other people modeling, and I take their techniques, teach myself before I teach others because if I can’t understand it, why would somebody else understand it?” Geoffrey said.
Geoffrey said she looks forward to seeing everyone at the fashion show see what they have been doing behind the scenes.
Michael Mboyo, a senior psychology major, is the president of the Kat Walk.
Alongside the Kat Walk being a registered student organization, it is also a “legitimate business” Mboyo said.
“There’s a lot of planning, a lot of the behind-the-scenes things, especially being a new organization on campus and with everything that the Kat Walk brand wants to do and aspires to do,” Mboyo said.
As president, Mboyo helps coordinate how things are going to go in the show.
Regarding practice, he said he wants things to look “clean and fun” for when the actual show happens.
Some practices can run long, but he said it is worth it to look good.
Cam’ron Hardy can be reached at 581-2812 or at cahardy@eiu.edu.