As you all must know, October is over. This means Mariah Carey is thawing out. Even on Halloween, I heard people start singing Christmas music.
I personally am one of those people who loves Christmas but cannot stand the music. I just get so annoyed so quickly with the same 10 songs playing on the radio over and over.
I think playing Christmas music on November 1st is way too soon.
What about Thanksgiving? I know there really is not Thanksgiving music but come on. Thanksgiving is a big holiday too.
I always found it weird to start playing Christmas music before it started snowing as well. No snow, no ‘White Christmas.’
I might be a bit “grinchy” on the topic but please wait till after Thanksgiving or until it starts to actually snow. I know a lot of people will disagree with me here, but I just feel it is too soon.
Why is the minute it turns 12:00 AM on November 1st, it becomes time to play ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Last Christmas’ at full blast?
I just do not understand the quick change from dark and scary to Santa Claus at every corner.
Maybe I just love Halloween too much to let it go when it strikes midnight.
Again, what about Thanksgiving? There is just a complete lack of acknowledgment for a holiday between Halloween and Christmas.
I have a lot of thoughts when it comes to Thanksgiving.
How do we spend a whole day based on being thankful for the things we have, then the next we attack each other in stores?
I just feel it is a little weird to say how thankful you are and then go buy a million different things. How does that make any sense?
I do like the idea of Thanksgiving as a time to realize how many good things are in your life but spread Black Friday out. What about Black Friday as the first Friday of December or something?
I do like that people are having fun with their holidays. However, the first half of the year feels a bit lackluster when it comes to people enjoying holidays.
I wish there was some holiday in the first half of the year that got the same hype as Christmas or Halloween.
You might say “But Kierstyn. New Year’s or St. Patrick’s Day.” Nope. Not the same hype. People do not sit there and plan for those holidays for months or fight people over gifts for little kids.
Again, maybe I am a “grinch” but I just feel Thanksgiving should have a little more love and Christmas should not start November 1st.
Kierstyn Budz can reached at or 217-581-2812.