Rob Le Cates
Ellen Dooley is a junior special education standard major. and can be reached at 217-581-2812.
My name is Ellen Dooley and I am so excited to be back for my second year as Opinions Editor!
I am a junior special education standard major and this is my last year on campus (woohoo!). In about a year from now, I will be back home student teaching.
You will probably see me a lot around campus because I am involved in way too many things for my own good. I do a lot within housing, Panther Marching Band, and even the Special Education Department!
What can you expect from the Opinions Section this year? A whole lot!
My writers and I will be implementing some research into our columns and bringing readers some different takes with some information to back up arguments.
I will also be encouraging my writers to go up against each other! Wait, what? Can people have different opinions? We sure do at The News!
Every so often, you will be seeing two writers take a stance on a certain hot button issue and go head-to-head.
I am very excited to be working with some returning staff and some new incoming staff. Rest assure, you will still get classic content like movie reviews from Cam and Drew.
We will also be doing more on our social media! In the world of AI and technology galore, we want to reach our readers from the place they might be at- on their phones!
Last year was chock full of major news.
We had major events like choosing the next president of Eastern and the strike that put a halt to classes.
We will continue to continue and discuss the aftermath of those major events and how life on campus has changed or been impacted.
The Opinions Section will also be covering new campus news like South Quad Dining, different groups on campus, or new offices emerging within campus.
But, we cannot forget about national and even worldwide news like the 2024 election, global warming, and even war conflict. We will continue to bring you a wide array of opinions, even on Kits-Kats (thanks Will Padgett).
Does any of this sound like your cup of tea? Come join us!
The News is always looking for creative minds for writing, design, and even cartoon artists! So, come join us! We would love to have you apart of our team- no matter the major!
I am looking forward to a wonderful year and cannot wait to start!