The Charleston Fire department was called to action at Buzzard Hall at 1:30 p.m. on Monday to respond to fire alarms going off in the building.
According to Lt. Jordan Philpot, there was a leak from one of the steam pipes in the basement, which resulted in water filling the area.
“There’s a ton of water down there and probably got into the air handler and either steamed it or just the temperature caused a smell within the building,” says Philpots.
The air handlers are above the master control, and there is a lot of water in the area.
The department is working to figure out how to get the water out of the area.
While the alarms were not able to be reset, they were able to be silenced.
As a result, a fire watch is required every 30 minutes by someone in the building, but other than that, the building was safe to re-enter.