Can Hardy
The Council of Academic Affairs approved of a gaming history class where students can engage in diverse cultures, experiences, and ideas as they respond to historical events through the perspective of the actors who lived during those periods.
The Council of Academic Affairs met Thursday at 2 p.m. Mary J. Booth Library.
The unanimous approval of new course, Gaming the Past, Honors, HIS 1599G, took place at the meeting as well.
The course will offer three credit hours and the course will allow students to examine themes in world history by participating in role-playing games. Students will engage diverse cultures, experiences, and ideas as they respond to historical events through the perspective of the historical actors who lived through them. The games will vary from semester to semester, but will always aim to the same idea, which is experiential learning about the past through collaborative problem-solving, historical thinking, and critical reading of primary
The course will start Fall 2023.
The first item on the agenda was the revision of the Hospitality Leadership Class, HTM 4380, was tabled.
The class teaches students how to integrate knowledge acquired through their course work, utilizing strategic decision-making processes, to address issues facing hospitality organization.
Another item acted upon in the meeting was the approval of the new course proposal format in the management information system.
The title of the course is ‘Certified Ethical Hacking.’ The course will teach students study hacking concepts and how to develop ethical hacking skills including scanning, reconnaissance, and enumeration.
The revision of the Hospitality Operations and Cost Control course was unanimously approved. The course will integrate hospitality industry operations with emphasis on concepts and application of hospitality managerial accounting to hospitality operations, evaluations, and decision making. Students will participate in a hospitality management simulation as well.
The human services degree online was unanimously approved. Revisions included the major code tied to the online option will be 1HMS. The HSL 3853 Child Development Practicum will be replaced with HSL 4770 Family Budgeting and Debt Management for the online degree completion study option. The last thing will be to adapt B.S. Human Services to offer the online degree completion study option.
The approval of the new course, food insecurity, NTR 4160 took place as well. This class will be one credit hour and students will learn food insecurity definition and measurement, consequences, and applications to health program development. The class will be in person, online, online asynchronous, or hybrid.
Another new course was unanimously approved by the council. The course will be titled ‘Focus on Eating Disorders’ and will be worth one credit hour. The course will examine the topic of eating disorders, including diagnostic criteria, treatment plans, and the effects of modern society, diet culture, and the media on body image.
The proposal for a new course, ‘Vegetarian Eating,’ NTR 4163, was approved by the council. The class will be one credit hour and will explore topics pertaining to individual diets.
Actions requested upon to be changed were the additions of the following classes to be elective courses:
NUR 1511 Pathways: Health and Human Services,
NTR 4160 Food Insecurity,
NTS 4161 Focus on Eating Disorders,
NTR 4163 Vegetarian Eating.
Both the required and elective course credits will be 9 hours.
The approval of the revision of the BS Health Administration program also took place at the meeting. The change was of course PUBH 3800: Application in Human Research & Scholarship from the elective list to the core courses.
The proposed catalog copy revisions for BS in Public Health: Community Health Option was approved.
PUBH 3800: Applications in Public Health Research & Scholarship will be moved from the elective list to the core courses.
The approval of new course, The History of Your Life, HIS 2096G (Honors), was unanimous at the meeting.
The course will be three credit hours and will be a survey of recent United States history. The course will allow students to explore political, social, economic, and global events that have shaped students’ lives. Specific topics that will be discussed include the Great Recession and American Wars.
The unanimous approval of the new course, US. History: Gender and Sexuality (Honors), HIS 2094G, was taken place. The course will offer a thematic approach to US history by introducing students to key moments in the history of gender and sexuality in the past.
Students will learn and have an understanding of new vocabulary related to the history of gender and sexuality ad key historical developments and themes relating to ideas of womanhood, manhood, and sexuality.
Cam’ron Hardy can be reached at 581-2812 or dennewsdesk@gmail.com.