COLUMN: To the EIU crowd at home basketball games: let’s do better
Kate Stevens is a senior sports media relations major. and can be reached at 217-581-2812.
January 18, 2023
Let me get straight to it.
There is no reason to shout unnecessary things from the crowd at the players, referees, or opposing team’s bench during basketball games.
As a sports fan I am all about talking smack, giving others a hard time about their team, and even getting upset when a referee makes a bad call or if my team does something bad.
Trust me, I have done these things over and over again.
I also get that basketball is an intense sport with a lot on the line most of the time and that things happen to upset fans.
You have all the reason to get upset or angry over certain calls and the things that happen in the game.
But to an extent – there is absolutely no reason to yell racist, sexist, body shaming, or flat-out rude remarks from the crowd.
In the last few weeks, I have heard some of the most rude things coming from our crowd while sitting at the score table by the court.
Hearing these things from people who are a part of EIU organizations is particularly upsetting because as students who are involved with EIU organizations, we should be representing the school and the things we are a part of here.
It just makes them look bad because of the things you are yelling at the refs who are simply not going to listen to your opinions or change their mind on a call whether it was bad or not.
I truly get that you are upset or trying to talk trash in your own special little way, but it’s very unnecessary and will not change the past or the future of the game in any way.
I encourage our fans and students to bring more positivity with you when you come to games.
Getting kicked out of the game for the way you act or berating the referees or the opposing team’s bench is not cool.
It’s really just embarrassing.
We need to learn to be kind to others. There are so many other ways to express you being upset or angry about a call and talking trash to the other team.
But going to the extent to be unkind to people involved in the game is completely uncalled for.
Our basketball teams are looking pretty good this season and they’re very fun to watch, so I encourage you to come back to support your EIU panthers with a better mindset and being kind, especially to the people just trying to do their jobs at the games.
Cheering on our Panthers during intense situations on the court can do a lot for them. Saturday’s doubleheader against Little Rock, especially during the men’s game, had a lot of exciting and thrilling moments.
It was nice to see the crowds hype up the men after an awesome dunk or steal. That is truly how it should be.
Going forward, let’s show our EIU pride at the games, have fun, and be kind to others.
It is what this world truly needs right now.
Kate Stevens can be reached at 581-2812 or