About four years ago, Analicia Haynes took a chance on a brand-new baby freshman and made her Associate News Editor for the Daily Eastern News. Last night, after four years of holding editorial positions with the most recent being Editor-in-Chief, that woman’s reign of terror at the News ended with a signature on the coveted Editor’s Wall.
As I look back on the years I’ve spent with the News, I’m in awe of all the experiences I had in the place I’ve made my home during my college years. Some good, some bad, but all worth it.
This year I have blown freshman year Corryn’s expectations out of the water, overcome some of her greatest fears and am preparing to leave behind a paper I am proud of.
In my work this year alone, I have made contact with and developed a relationship with the surviving family of Zella Powell (Eastern’s first Black graduate) to learn more about her and teach Eastern about who she was after a year of searching, redesigned the entire print and online publication, transitioned the News from a daily print product to weekly with a focus on online content (freshman year and senior year Corryn’s biggest fear), sat on a panel for student journalist mental health and successfully infiltrated every single aspect of the paper (sports included).
Along with the amazing things my staff was able to accomplish, we also faced some difficult times. I led my staff as we covered a student death that heavily impacted the newsroom as a whole, covered a car accident that led to a months-long FOIA battle with the city and state and shed light on important issues on campus while receiving some backlash on top of the typical getting threatened, dealing with administrators and all of the other little issues that come up throughout the year.
The only reason that we were able to do that is because of the amazing staff I have had the honor of working with. Without their dedication this year, I would not have been able to accomplish any of the goals I set for the paper this year.
As I enter my last real week at the DEN I want to pass along advice to the current and future staffs and hope some of it may stick:
1.) Tell the truth and don’t be afraid. As cheesy as it might sound to quote our motto (and Luke and I’s sick tattoos), hold on to it. In a world full of misinformation and stories to uncover, stick to the facts and they’ll carry you over the finish line.
2.) Journalism without the context of humanity does not matter. When we learn about journalism ethics, we are told to minimize harm when possible. However, I urge you to take that further. Consider the human impacts of you are doing and what you can do to help our community through your work.
3.) Use your voice. Throughout my time at Eastern, there have been several times where I had to call out an improper vote, press someone for information and bring together the editorial board to address an issue going on on campus. Every opportunity you get to do the same, take it. The most important work you do won’t always be the story or a photo itself, being there and defending the principles journalism stands on in the moment do more good than a lot of stories can.
While I am sad to close this chapter of my life I am grateful for all the experience, friends and memories I have gained in these past four.
Thank you to everyone who kept me sane, made it interesting and even those who doubted myself and the DEN. I am a stronger person and journalist because of you.
Corryn Brock is a senior journalism major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at deneic@gmail.com.