Candidate for director of Union returns to Eastern
Randall Bogard, the assistant director of student activities and Downing Student Union operations at the Western Kentucky University, visits Eastern on Tuesday for in-person interviews, a tour of campus and more throughout the day. Bogard answered questions from Eastern employees and faculty in the Oakland Room at the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union Tuesday afternoon regarding Bogard’s interest in the job position of director of the Union.
April 19, 2022
The third candidate for the job position for director of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union visited Eastern on Tuesday.
Randall Bogard, the assistant director of student activities and Downing Student Union operations at the Western Kentucky University, is the third of four candidates for Eastern’s director of the Union position.
Bogard is returning to Eastern after having worked at Eastern from July 2011 to January 2015.
When Bogard worked at Eastern, he was first the area director from July 2011 to May 2013. After, Bogard was the assistant director of residential life and conference services from June 2013 until January 2015 when he went to work at Western Kentucky University.
Bogard has a bachelor of science in kinesiology from Indiana University and a master of education with an emphasis in educational leadership and policy studies from Iowa State University.
While Bogard has not had experience as a director of a union, he is up for the challenges and learning curve.
“I think the reason I’m interested in this position is to get that step out of being a doer and being more of a visionary,” Bogard said. “I really enjoyed when I read the job description about the different areas I would oversee- the supervisory lives I would have. I love supervising, and I always say this, I love supervising people willing to be supervised. So that’s a big piece I’ve learned over my past few years that if nobody’s willing to be supervised then we’re gonna have a struggle because I’m a developer. I like to have those behind the scenes conversations. So I like that area. This will be a challenge… This will be a lot about how to listen to others, figure out what they want to do, allow them to do what they do and then helping them when they are having an obstacle and then learning how to advocate for my team and funding for the facility because I know that’s always a big thing.”
Bogard was also asked about his supervisory style during the open session from 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. by Eastern’s staff members who came to the session. Bogard mentioned methods he learned during his time at Eastern as part of his style.
“I did get this from my time working here, learning how to praise in public, criticize in private, I do not read even when people are saying stuff that I be like, I can still go out and right now,” Bogard said.
Bogard also gets involved in the community surrounding the university he works at.
When Bogard worked at Eastern, he was also the head coach for the Charleston Junior Football League.
While working at Western Kentucky University, Bogard has been the assistant coach at a local middle school, assistant coach and head coach for the county’s youth football league and the assistant coach for the Bowling Green Parks and Rec Youth Basketball League, which is located in the same town as the university.
The final candidate for the director of the Union job position is Michael McKean.
McKean will visit Eastern on Wednesday and the open session will be from 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Oakland Room in the Union.
Madelyn Kidd can be reached at 581-2812 or at