Student Senate meets for first Senate-on-the-Go meeting Wednesday
Vice President of Student Affairs Terrence Trimuel, a senior accounting major, listens to a question about his Executive Report from one of the senators during the Student Government meeting at Taylor Hall on Wednesday. Senate on the Go is where Student Senate hosts their meetings in areas like residential halls to encourage student involvement with the Senate.
February 23, 2022
The Student Senate’s first Senate-on-the-Go meeting for the 2022 spring semester happened in Taylor Hall Lobby on Wednesday night.
The Senate’s Senate-on-the-Go meetings are intended to help the Senate be more visible to the student body.
Prior to the meeting starting at 7 p.m., the Senate provided food and refreshments starting at 6 p.m. while interacting with students walking through Taylor Hall Lobby.
Senator Nora Okolie told everyone that the date rape drug card identifier order is about to be placed.
They are expecting to have the order within March or April in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is a set back from the original plan of having the cards for the week of Unofficial.
Senators Noah Wilson and Brianna Hull-Dennis came up with an idea to help generate more money for RSOs.
The idea would come out to increase the student fees, but not the tuition.
An instance where the price would increase would be in the activity fee and paying for the Panther Shuttle.
“The Panther Shuttle is funded by the fee of $154.96 per semester,” Wilson said.
Student Body President Jacqueline Williams explained in detail the stress relief buckets planned to be passed out to various students later this semester.
“We’re trying to think of individual snacks or even games,” Williams said. “The buckets will also include stickers, journals and puzzles.”
The goal is to have 30 buckets delivered, but the Senate is looking to increase that number to 50.
Terrance Trimuel, the vice president of student affairs, discussed plans to create a Registered Student Organization, RSO, to help recognize students and their hard work.
With the idea of calling it the Leadership Wall of EIU, Trimuel said it’s a great way to get students involved while encouraging them to continue their hard work in school.
Senator Moffett featured Elite Elegance as the RSO group of the week for this Wednesday’s meeting.
Advisor Cece Brinker spoke to the Senate about the upcoming 50th anniversary of Ms. Black EIU scholarship pageant this weekend in support of African American History Month.
“We have five amazing young women who will be competing for the crown of 2022,” Brinker said. “It’s going to be a great event.”
The pageant is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the Grand Ballroom in the Martin Luther King, Jr. University Union.
Tickets are $7 when bought beforehand up until Friday and $10 at the door.
Brinker mentioned there is a cash app option for those who would rather pay virtually instead of cash.
Student Senators Moffett, Okolie and Vilella were appointed to the Bond Revenue Committee, and Senators Tamia Flowers and Lashay Powell were appointed to the Student Elections Commission.
Madelyn Kidd contributed to this article.
Adriana Hernandez-Santana can be reached at 581-2812 or at