Sex is not a bad word.
Many people wait until their children reach a certain age to teach them about sex. Some never really teach them, relying on school systems to provide that education.
Most schools are not equipped to act as “parents” in this way and often leave out important details in the interest of protecting children’s innocence.
This means that many people’s first sexual experience goes poorly and could have dangerous consequences.
With parents making sex seem taboo, teens won’t go to their parents when they have to deal with serious issues like possible pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections.
Most people become sexually active during high school or college, where being on their own for the first time can make things even scarier.
If we talked about sex more, we might not make everyone’s first time be perfect, but a lot of fears and regrets could be avoided if they had some education on the right things to do.
College should not be the first place that people learn about contraceptives, STDs, testing and other safety measures.
These conversations don’t have to be serious or include graphic details. Simple explanations of how sexual acts work can be enough if people know they’re allowed to ask questions down the road.
The internet can be a great resource to learn about many topics, but sex usually isn’t one of them- at least not without some basis for the reality.
Internet searches can also provide way more information than anyone needs.
Conversations around sex should also extend beyond heteronormative relationships.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community usually don’t receive any information on the way their relationships will work, leading to more unsafe acts.
Plus, if we didn’t have a taboo around sex, we could also remove the taboo around sexualities. Sexualities should be a part of sex ed and when parents explain sex to their children along with types of sex besides the “heterosexual” form of sex.
Removing the taboo around sex would also allow kids to be able to talk to their parents about changes with their sex organs.
There are many changes our reproductive organs go through during puberty and once a person becomes sexually active.
These changes can seem scary and life threatening when reality it is a common experience, or it could be something serious and a need to go see a doctor.
However, with a taboo around sex and related topics, people may never bring up the changes with their bodies.
Sex shouldn’t be taboo; it is one of the processes humans can experience and the knowledge should be readily available for everyone, from anyone.