Last semester, I told you of the updates our publication would be seeing. This semester, I am proud to tell you more about where our publication is headed and what you can expect from us this semester.
A redesigned weekly paper
If you are holding the newspaper in your hands right now, you are holding an entirely redesigned publication.
This includes new fonts, new styles and the first of many new and exciting ideas.
As we settle into printing once a week over our typical daily publication, we are excited to spend more time on designing and creating visual elements to complement stories.
A weekly newsletter
On Fridays, a weekly newsletter will go out to highlight the week’s events.
Additionally, the newsletter will highlight what is to come in the next week.
A staff podcast
This week we are starting with a new podcast, The News Desk.
The podcast will feature staff members being interviewed by Multimedia News Editor Luke Taylor regarding recent and near-future news.
This podcast will cover topics from all sections of The News, including news, sports, opinions and photography.
For the first episode, I will be going more in-depth into changes with our publication and I invite everyone to listen in and learn more about how we have operated in the past compared to how we will be operating moving forward.
Some more of the same
With so many changes at once, it is easy to think that this will be a completely different publication.
However, as Editor-in-Chief I would like to ensure all of our readers that we are dedicated to continuing the tradition of student media at Eastern.
For the past three and a half years, I have been happy to continue the traditions of our publication and I am so excited to be a part of creating the next traditions for years to come.
Welcome back, readers.
Corryn Brock is a senior journalism major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at deneic@gmail.com