Student Senate faces continued lack of business without quorum
Two empty seats, unfilled by student senators, preventing Student Government from reaching quorum to conduct official business at the Student Government meeting Wednesday night.
October 19, 2021
Student government senators anticipate 22 committee appointments so long as they meet quorum on their meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m.
For the last two weeks, student government has been unable to meet quorum; therefore, they have not been able to conduct official meetings.
These previous unofficial meetings would not allow consent for the agenda and prevented the current senators from being appointed to their respective committees.
Payton Ade, Vice President of student government, predicts a good outcome for tomorrow’s quorum.
“I am expecting the Student Senate to have quorum,” Ade said. “Committees have been able to meet and start conducting business even as we have not hit quorum.”
Last week, senators Billie Frazier and Connor Mellott, discussed the ways to help them meet quorum.
In continuation to their comments on recruitment efforts, Vice President Ade said that senators have put in hard work for recruitment.
“Recruitment for new members has been driven by executives and senators,” Ade said. “I am grateful that some senators have put a lot of work into trying to get new members.”
The remainder of the meeting will be conducted as usual. The advisor and graduate advisor reports will give their reports.
New business will include the election for a new Speaker of the Senate to take the place of the current Interim Speaker of the Senate, Payton Ade.
If quorum is not met in the next meeting, Ade will have to remain in the Speaker of the Senate Position permanently and will have two executive positions.
The student government board members will present their executive reports; followed by the committee reports from: Academic Affairs, Alumni Relations, Business Affairs, Diversity Affairs, External Relations, Internal Affairs, Student Affairs, and University Enhancement.
After the various committees present their reports, time for additional announcements will be available.
This will be followed by adjournment of Wednesday night’s meeting.
Ethan Schobernd can be reached at 581-2812 or