EDITORIAL: Please drive safely

Rob Le Cates

One of the cars involved in the two-car accident at Lincoln Avenue and Ninth Street sits on the back of the tow truck Monday evening.

Editorial Staff

The Daily Eastern News staff had to split up yesterday in order to cover three separate car wrecks which happened within the two-hour period.

Even though these wrecks varied in severity, it wasn’t easy to stand by as police, firefighters and tow truck operators managed the situations and cleaned them each up.

All we can say after watching the aftermath of the wrecks is that we would never wish that upon anyone.

We know you’ve all heard this before but please, drive safely.

It’s impossible to know what’s going on in the other cars on the road. Maybe the other driver is distracted, maybe they’re overly tired, maybe their car is breaking down… Any number of minor things could cause issues while driving.

Though you cannot read the minds of the other motorists on the roadway, it is incredibly important to do everything you can to protect yourself and others while driving.

You never know who you may keep from injury, or possibly death.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget how powerful the machines we drive around every day are, but days like Monday remind us of that danger.

It is never a bad idea to look out for those around you and take care of the others on the roadway.

Let’s all make an effort to pay more attention on the roads and keep each other safe. There is too much danger and risk in the world to not take this small step to keep others safe.