It is natural for human beings to socialize with each other daily.
I never realized how much of a people person I am until I moved into Eastern for the first time last year. I found myself trying to get to know as many people as possible around campus.
Of course, last year was completely different in terms of socialization.
People are given the freedom to roam around without a mask on, so long as they adhere to the precautions and safety measures in place.
My journey to finding more friends began in this Facebook group chat, “Class of 2024.” For those who know what I am talking about, they know that everyone made it their mission to introduce themselves to others who are also incoming first-year students.
I have never seen so many people come together to form connections between each other, especially with the drawback of being online.
Not only that, but I surprised myself as well because I also introduced myself. As soon as “Class of 2024” was created, I plastered my face in front of hundreds of other people who have all experienced the chains and bonds exacerbated from COVID-19.
The next thing I knew, I was making an Instagram group chat called “Thomas Hall Buds,” and I recruited all my fellow Thomas Hall residents last year and made it my mission to know all of them.
As a high schooler, I was mainly a wall flower with a select few friends I would talk to in confidence. Now, I cannot walk around campus without finding a friendly face I recognize.
The minute I set foot into Eastern, I knew that I was going to change, and it was for the better.
Everyone tends to shock themselves with the amount of social capability they have when putting in the work.
When in my dorm, I am very quiet, exclusive, and have limited interactions with my friends; however, the minute I walk outside, a switch flips and I am instantly bubblier and zeal when around others. Is this due to social anxiety?
Some might say, but I like to think that I am easily adaptable to any environment that is given to me.
It is okay to not have friends in your life if you wish to be independent. But I will say, I am thankful for all the friends that I have in my life. I have friends who care for me, watch my back, check-up on me, and know how to have a good time.
All you have to do is make a small step, and those steps can get bigger as you continue to pursue your goal. Just remember to be safe when talking to others because the coronavirus is still out there.
My mission for everyone is to be brave, bold, and trust that you can change your whole outlook in the blink of an eye.
Ethan Schobernd is a sophomore journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or ejschobernd@eiu.edu.