Editorial: Eastern journalism program offerings a big selling point

Staff Editorial

As Eastern kicks off it’s week of showing prospective students why they should attend Eastern, our editorial board has had time to reflect on why we chose Eastern.

One of the things that drew us into Eastern and has kept us here is the journalism program. Through the program here we have been given many opportunities to get on the job experience and we have seen our peers do the same.

Our experience at The Daily Eastern News has been a great learning tool for us and has given us a tremendous amount of experience.

Every night Sunday through Thursday we carry on the tradition of putting out a daily newspaper that we are proud of, writing stories, taking photos and designing the pages.

On our editorial board, we have more than just journalism students. As we move on and graduate, those skills will be incredibly valuable to us, regardless of what career path we go down.

That is something our alumni can attest to and something we can look forward to as we move on from our college years.

We know this is the same for our peers working for WEIU-TV and WEIU-FM. The opportunities offer to all of us have been incredibly useful and we hope to see that continue for the next generation of students who enter the newsrooms in Buzzard Hall.

As we move into our careers, we will all have fond memories of our time here and be able to share our experiences with students interested in pursuing a journalism career.

The amazing opportunities offered to us are something we all have a great appreciation for and something we look forward to sharing with younger generations as they seek the university they wish to attend.