Letter from the editor: Our mission for Spring 2020

JJ Bullock, Editor-in-Chief

Our mission at The Daily Eastern News has been and always will be to deliver high-quality journalism and reporting to the Eastern campus and community on all things happening at Eastern.  

We will continue to bring news to the community for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester, but there will be changes in our coverage and delivery of that coverage in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The Daily Eastern News will not be producing a print newspaper for the remainder of the school year. Instead, all of our reporting will be found at our website dailyeasternnews.com. Historically, we have been a paper that has published five print newspapers a week, but unfortunately the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak will prevent us from doing that.  

Our newsroom, located in Buzzard Hall, will also be closed until further notice. Those needing to contact the news staff can email one of the following: dennewsdesk@gmail.comdeneic@gmail.com or jpbullock@eiu.edu.  

This is new territory for all of us as the coronavirus’ impact has spared no one, including newspapers. We will continue to do everything we can to bring the journalism our readers have grown to expect from us in our 100-plus years of publication at Eastern.  

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this difficult time. Stay safe and stay healthy. 


JJ Bullock, editor-in-chief