The Council on Academic Affairs will vote Thursday on revising the environmental sustainability and environmental studies minor to both be replaced with a new minor: environmental impact and sustainability.
The environmental sustainability and environmental studies minors have needed “major revisions for several years now,” the proposal says. There is also some overlap between the minors, so revising/replacing them with the new minor would be a move toward efficiency.
The minor would still be flexible enough to allow students to choose courses that best suit their own careers and needs while also fulfilling requirements, according to the proposal.
CAA will also vote on a proposed revision for options for the Recreation Administration: Therapeutic Recreation bachelor’s degree.
BIO 2220: Anatomy & Physiology 2 would be removed, RED 4950: Leisure and Aging would be added to required courses and removed from elective courses and REC 4710: Therapeutic Recreation Seminar would go from being one credit to three.
The rationale of removing Anatomy & Physiology 2 is that the National Council of Therapeutic Recreation Certification does not require two anatomy courses, according to the proposal.
Leisure and Aging would also replace three hours that are taken from removing Anatomy & Physiology.
Additionally, the reasoning behind making Therapeutic Recreation Seminar a required is course is because the NCTRC will require an additional 3-credit Therapeutic Recreation Course.
CAA will also vote on revising the Therapeutic Recreation Seminar course to reflect its three credit hours, if that proposal is approved.
CAA is also voting on a proposal to change department names from the Department of Health Promotion to the Department of Public Health.
The rationale behind the name change is to better reflect the current curriculum of the department, which has focused on public health over the last three years, according to the proposal.
The proposed name change came after conversations with alumni, major stakeholders and members of the department’s professional organizations, according to the proposal.
CAA will also vote on a change to the course prefix HPR to PBH if the department name is changed from the Department of Health Promotion to the Department of Public Health.
CAA will hear eight executive actions during its Thursday meeting. The actions are as follows:
• Changing the co-requisite wording for CHM 1410: General Chemistry II
• Changing the co-requisite wording for CHM 2430: Survey of Organic Chemistry
• Changing the offering of CHM 2435: Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory from fall and spring to just fall
• Changing the co-requisite wording for CHM 2440: Organic Chemistry I, and to change the description of coverage for one of the topics for CHM 2440
• Revising the list of interdisciplinary electives for the Criminology and Criminal Justice major
• Removing MAT 2443 as a prerequisite for CSM 3570: Numerical Analysis and list MAT 2442 as one of the prerequisites
• Removing PLS 3373: International Political Economy from the undergraduate catalog
• Removing GEO 1420: Historical Geology from the undergraduate catalog.
Logan Raschke can be reached at 581-2812 or at