Student Senate approves drug-testing kits
Student Government members tuned in on Wednesday’s evening meeting where senators approved a bill on drug-testing kits, costing $124.
October 23, 2019
Student Senate voted unanimously in favor of an emergency bill that authorized the release of $124 in funds to be spent on 100 date rape drug-testing kits at its meeting Wednesday.
The kits will be passed out at a tabling event for one of the Student Senate “Your Campus, Your Voice” events.
The tabling event on Oct. 29 will focus on campus health and safety.
The bill was submitted and authored by university enhancement committee chair, Zack Archey, and coauthored by Speaker of the Senate, Michael Perri.
Archey said Halloween is often a time in which students are out with friends or groups, and may be more likely to find themselves in a situation where their drink could be compromised.
“It’s close to Halloween time, and a lot of people will be out and about doing activities,” Archey said. “I wanted to make sure that they’re not only being safe with that but also smart at the same time.”
Archey worked with fellow member of the university enhancement committee, Sydney O’Rourke, to find information and pricing on the kits before submitting the bill.
Perri approached Archey with the suggestion that they work together at the “Campus Health and Safety” tabling event as it fit in with the theme and would be available to students before the holiday.
The vote was approved with a vote of 23-0, followed by an explanation from Archey, questions from senators and an open discussion between senators.
Student vice-president of academic affairs, Noor-ul-Haash Khamisani, stressed during her executive report that student senators need to be present and visible at the Pumpkin Palooza event on Oct. 29, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the South Quad.
Khamisani said plans for “thank a professor week” are in the works; these will take place during the week starting Nov. 18.
During his reports, Perri also introduced a campus shoebox service project that he is working on through the Newman Catholic Center.
He is asking for individuals who are able to provide necessities that are not usually provided at local food pantries to consider donating.
Executive Vice President Kathleen Conlin reported on continued plans for EIU Votes, which is an effort by the student senate to get students registered to vote either in the Charleston community or inform them on ways to vote by mail for their hometowns.
Conlin said they plan to have a tabling event for EIU Votes once a month until February to help reach as many students as possible.
EIU Votes is also working to create a map that will help students to identify and find their polling place.
Conlin encouraged student senators to look into becoming election judges.
Wednesday night’s meeting consent agenda also saw the appointment of Khamisani to the Diversity Action Council and the appointment of Ethan Osborne to the bond revenue committee.
The senate also heard committee reports from the following: Academic Affairs, Alumni Relations, Business Affairs, Diversity Affairs, External Relations, Internal Affairs, Student Affairs and University Enhancement.
Zoë Donovan can be reached at 581–2812 or at