Fifty-nine women found their new homes in Greek Court at the annual Bid Day Sunday evening.
Each of the nine chapters gathered in groups around 7 p.m. at the egg of Greek Court and awaited the arrival of their new sisters.
Separated into nine groups, the new members ran to their new sisters after Greek Life Director Nathan Wehr’s megaphone countdown.
Haleigh Borger, freshman English and political science major, and Annika Weber, freshman psychology major, are both new members of Alpha Phi and said they each decided to join Greek Life because of their brothers’ influence.
Borger said she is excited for a lot of things that come with being an Alpha Phi member, but the philanthropy is what she is looking forward to most.
“I’m excited to become so close with all these girls, my new sisters,” Borger said. “Our philanthropy is heart health, so we have a red dress gala every year and raise money for that.”
Alpha Phi’s philanthropy is also what drove Weber to the chapter.
“My family struggles with heart health, so that really hit home for me,” Weber said. “I’m super excited to help take part with that.”
Another reason Weber said she got involved with Greek Life was to make the most of her experience while at Eastern.
Emily Outzen, junior middle level education major and one of the newest members of Alpha Sigma Tau, said she decided to join a sorority because she thought it would be more beneficial to her than the other registered student organizations on campus.
“With clubs on campus, there’s always this period of getting to know each other,” Outzen said. “But here, you know that you’re wanted, you know that you’re liked and you get to volunteer.”
Outzen said although she just became a member of Alpha Sigma Tau, she feels at home already.
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Hannah Shillo can be reached at 581-2812 or at