Elizabeth Wood
Jan (far left) and Gary Kepley (left), owners of Kep’s Cooking, talk to BJ Fessant (right) and DJ Danny Wayne (far right), who both work for DJ Danny Wayne and Associate, before the movie “Captian Marvel” in the Greek Court parking lot Thursday evening. The Kepleys, Fessant and Wayne said they have been at different events for Eastern in the past and love coming out to them.
University Board hosted a drive-in featuring “Captain Marvel” Thursday evening.
Before the movie began, music blared through the speakers, sporting a mix including ‘80s hits and popular ‘00s dance songs like “Cupid Shuffle.”
The gathered students took this as a cue to transform the parking lot into a dance floor, forming lines and remembering the moves as their friends cheered them on.
University Board, the event’s sponsor, also offered free s’mores, popcorn and drinks alongside the entertainment.
Cara Soucie, the special events coordinator for University Board, said she was excited for the event; it was her first one after Welcome Back Weekend, which she also oversaw.
It would also be her first time seeing the movie.
“I really wanted to hit that fanbase,” Soucie said. “’Captain Marvel’ is one of the newer ones, and also it’s a big female character.”
She contacted all the women’s organizations on campus to tell them about the showing, hoping they would be interested in the film from that perspective.
Louis Soltysiak, graduate adviser for special events, was also present to help Soucie and make sure the event ran smoothly.
Events like the drive-in are not fundraisers or for profit.
“University Board is funded through student fees … it’s their money going to work for them,” Soltysiak said.
Instead, they are completely free for all students, serving simple ways to draw students together and provide entertainment throughout the semester.
Nicole Severson, a senior corporate communications major, and Lexi Claerhout, a sophomore early education major, both members of Alpha Gamma Delta, sat in the back of an SUV as they waited for the movie to begin.
Neither girl was quite as enthusiastic about superheroes as they were about spending time with other members of the student body, so they explained why they decided to go to the movie.
“It just seemed like a really fun event, especially since it’s Thursday and in the week,” Severson said.
Claerhout said the drive-in on campus was something completely new to her.
“I never had anything like this back home,” Claerhout said.
The event offered entertainment on what could have been a slow night for students, and even a new experience for many; drive-in movies have become increasingly sparse in comparison to standard theaters.
Students did not need cars to attend and enjoy the event, too.
As the music wound down and the menu screen for the movie appeared, students who did not drive found spots in the rows of folding chairs set up toward the front of the parking lot.
Those who did arrive in a car made themselves comfortable and tuned their radios to the correct station to listen to the movie’s audio.
The air began to cool off as the sun set, prompting jackets and hoodies to appear from various backpacks and backseats, perfectly setting the mood for everyone to sit back and enjoy the movie.
Luke Taylor can be reached at 581-2812 or at egtaylor@eiu.edu.