The Charleston City Council voted to approve the motor fuel tax funds supplemental resolution that includes another $125,000 for FY18 to FY19 during its Tuesday meeting.
“The 2019 fiscal year is complete. We know that more was spent than the original amount, so we must pass a supplemental resolution to appropriate an additional 125,000 for this, and passing this resolution is needed for IDOT paperwork,” said Mayor Brandon Combs.
When it comes to FY19, projections were higher than the original budget in all categories but one, according to the summary of final expenses.
The budget was $80,000 for total commodities, but the projection ended up being $97,420 ($17,420 over budget). The summary of final expenses says the city spent more on traffic maintenance because of accidents that happened on Lincoln Avenue, which contributed to the increase.
The budget for total contractual services was set at $21,000, but the final projection ended up being $35,081 ($14,081 over budget), according to the summary.
The summary says the city paid for 12th Street design work that started about three years ago. There was also tree trimming and removal done on City ROW in Heritage Woods, which contributed to the increase.
The budget to transfer to another fund was set at $85,000, but the projection increased to $202,352 ($117,352 over budget) so that the budget amount could transfer from the MFT fund to the GF fund to make the GF balance, according to the summary.
The budget for total capital outlay was set at $85,000, but the projection was $415,500 ($32,000 under budget) because concrete money is now included in the commodities line item.
The City Council also approved an ordinance amending the classification of licenses in the city code, which regards liquor licenses.
The purpose of the ordinance is to amend hours available for the special use permits.
Combs said beer tents will be set up at the Square for the Tour de Charleston and Muse Fest.
Opening hours for these tents will be amended to reflect the times the bikers may finish, he said.
The opening hours for these beer tents will now be from 10 a.m. to midnight.
City Council voted to place the resolution to approve power purchase agreement for solar energy supply at the Wastewater Treatment Plant main pump station and the Water Treatment Plant on file for public inspection until June 4 to allow for more research to be conducted.
After research is finished, the city would pay at a rate of $0.490/kWh for the 25-year term to GreenLife Solar, LLC if the resolution is approved, according to the resolution.
The City Council also voted to approve the creation of the 2020 census complete count committee, which will meet once a month and finish counting in December of 2020.
The City Council voted to sell a piece of real estate, located at 221 N. 6th St., for the appraised amount of $3,000.
Combs also announced his reappointment of Matt Madigan and Nora Small to one-year terms as ex officio members of the Charleston Historic Preservation Commission during the City Council meeting.
Logan Raschke can be reached at 581-2812 or at