The Daily Eastern News • December 2, 2018 •
GALLERY: Holiday Hustle 2018
Analicia Haynes
Several kids lead the way after given the signal to start running Saturday during the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk in front of Old Main.
Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief
On Saturday, Dec. 1 the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk raised $2,800 for One Stop Community Christmas. People of all ages participated and helped support the cause, which helps over 900 families during the holiday season.
Beth Gillespie, the director of the Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteerism, said in a nutshell the focus of One Stop Community Christmas is to make December brighter and easier for families by doing more than just making sure there are gifts under the tree.
“We also provide food for a holiday meal, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers … we do books, games, fleece blankets,” Gillespie said, adding that Eastern students helped make 1,300 fleece blankets for this year.
She said overall, over 900 families will be served for this season, and in those 900 families there are 2,280 kids.
Raine ZhuKaj Holm, a teacher at Charleston High School, wore a Christmas-themed outfit for Saturday’s Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk. He was the fourth person to cross the finish line in front of Old Main with a time of 21 minutes and 55 seconds.Raine ZhuNoah Oakley, a junior at Charleston High School, was the first person to cross the finish line during this year’s Holiday Hustle on Saturday in front of Old Main. He finished with a time of 18 minutes and 49 seconds and said even though the race helped him train for the next track and cross country season, he felt like he contributed to a good cause.Raine ZhuEnglish professor C.C. Wharram hold a thumb while running toward the finish line during the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk Saturday in front of Old Main.Raine Zhu10-year-old Keagan Baah of Oakland races to the finish line Saturday during the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk.Raine ZhuTwo participants talk while walking in the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk Saturday at Old Main.Raine ZhuTwo women dressed up in Christmas-themed outfits walked to the finish lineduring the Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk.