Candidate for Student Speaker of the Senate discusses goals

Corryn Brock | The Daily Eastern News

Noor Khamisani is an Eastern student body senator who is running uncontested for Student Speaker of the Senate. If voted in, she says she wants to be a bridge between the Student Senate and student body.

Corryn Brock, Staff Reporter

Eastern’s student body government heard a presentation from student senator Noor Ul Haash Khamisani, who is running uncontested for the position of the Speaker of the Senate.

Khamisani gave a presentation introducing herself to her fellow senators and discussing her goals for the future if she is elected to the position.

Khamisani said one goal she has is to build a stronger connection between senators as well as between the senators and the student body, saying it would be her first priority.

“I don’t want anyone to feel that we are superior because we are in student government,” said  Khamisani. “Everyone has their own opinions and I want to see what opinions everyone has.”

Senator Ethan Osborne expressed his concern with focusing on the senator relations as opposed to the student body itself. Khamisani responded with the question, “If we are not bonded together, how will we go and help others?”

Khamisani also spoke of her perspective of senator relations.

“Everyone should talk, everyone should interact, everyone should get together,” she said.

She also discussed her interest in having a larger role and impact as Speaker compared to her previous experience as a senator last semester.

“I didn’t have the power or the authority to make (the changes I wanted last semester),” said Khamisani. “That’s why I’m running for Speaker … to make those changes … to make the senate an ideal senate.”

Khamisani also expressed that she had an interest in finding ways for students with disabilities to get around campus and to classes faster when their classes are in different buildings.

Khamisani is a freshman double majoring in Criminology and English with a Pre-Law minor from Pakistan.

Student Body President Rebecca Cash swore in three new senators, Delcy Goodman, John Cieslak, Skylar Coffey and a new Vice President of Student Affairs, Alicia Matusiak

Cash also discussed starting RSO (Registered Student Organization) of the Week. According to her, each week a RSO will be highlighted on the student government’s social media account. Cash also said she hopes a member of the senate will be able to go the chosen RSO’s meeting to hear what they want from the senate and vice versa.

Cash also mentioned that she is on the Sexual Assault Task Force. She said she is looking forward to meeting with them to create a safer campus.

Two bills were on the agenda to be voted on during the meeting, but were able to because the Senate was not at quorum.

Both bills were tabled, meaning they will vote on each of the bills at the meeting next week if they have quorum.

Committee reports will begin next week, following the assignment of committee chairs.

Those interested in being a senator for student government can pick up an application in the Student Activity Center , located on the second floor of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Corryn Brock can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].