Alpha Gamma Delta sorority performs in Airband in McAfee Gym Saturday night.
With a “space” and “cops and robbers” theme, respectively, Delta Chi and Alpha Gamma Delta were able to dance their way to first place in the annual Airband competition.
For their act, Delta Chi created a story about traveling in space, using clips from former president John F. Kennedy’s “We Choose To Go To The Moon” speech, “Abandoned and Pursued” from the movie “E.T.,” “Drops of Jupiter” by Train and music from “Star Wars.”
Members of Delta Chi acted out a lighsaber fight, creating the Delta triangle with their lights, which got them a lot of applause from the audience.
Now, members are asking themselves what they are going to do next year to keep their winning streak going, Dalton Davison, a junior computer information technology major, said.

“We wanted to create a story the audience could be enthralled with, get involved with,” he said. “Everyone seemed to love it, I guess.”
The team joined together after Airband, waving lightsabers to celebrate their win and posing for pictures.
Elise Schall, a junior special education major, was the dancing coach of Alpha Gamma Delta. She said it was a team effort, with students Leslie Drueke and Kat Gallaher coaching with her.
The sorority used police sirens, handcuffs and jail bars to create a police theme.
“We picked ‘Good Girls Go Bad’ (and) ‘Bad’ by Michael Jackson because that is so much fun, any person can enjoy that, any age can enjoy that,” Schall said.
“We also did ‘Ayy Ladies.’ It’s a little bit more instrumental. The basis of the dance was just to have fun. I think all the music that we picked allowed us to do that.”
Schall said the best part of Airband was that her sorority was all preparing and dancing together.
In the sorority division, Alpha Phi won second place and Sigma Kappa came in third.
For fraternities, Sigma Nu took second, and third was Phi Kappa Theta.
Carter Lukes from Delta Chi and Paige Franzen from Kappa Delta were announced as Greek Week King and Queen.
Along with the sororities and fraternities that came to support their members, teams’ families came to the competition as well.
Fraternities and sororities had been working since mid-February to prepare their choreography. Each team chose the theme that they believed they could have the most fun with.
Qian Cheng can be reached at 581-2812 or qcheng@eiu.edu.