I have had a pretty good week. Actually, I have had an incredible month. Friendships with faculty and peers are flourishing, I received two substantial scholarships, two weeks ago I was in Cincinnati presenting some of my research, and, while maybe not as fun as those previously mentioned, I started a new job that I love. Things in almost every sector of my life are going so well and I feel good about myself the things I am working on.
So, naturally, I am suspicious.
Not that life has to suck all the time, but that ends up happening a lot. Good news flies under the radar and minor inconveniences, while just the metaphorical equivalent of a speedbump, send us spiraling into a fiery disaster because we had a million other things on our mind and forgot that we were going 90 mph. College is tricky like that. Everything moves so quickly that it is nearly impossible to keep up, so now that I am ahead I cannot help but think that I am but an Icarus-type figure. Just up in the sky minding my own business, not realizing that I have a dramatic plummet into the dark awaiting me. But why focus on what disaster awaits me when I can relax and enjoy the ride?
This realization came to me on Monday on my way back from a night class. It was almost 10 p.m., I had been up since 6:15 a.m. and I wanted nothing more than to just go to sleep. I walked through the door and almost missed my friends in the living room, patiently waiting for me to join them. You see, they had waited because they knew I was dying to see Zak Bagin’s“Demon House,” and despite most of their hatred for ghost hunting, there they were.
We started the movie, and not even five minutes into it, the lightning lit up my house and the thunder shook us to our core. It was the perfect setting for a horror movie and I was cuddled up with my best friends. To think I almost missed that night of screams and laughter for homework and sleep. I stayed up way past my normal bedtime and pushed my homework to the side so I could enjoy a perfect sleepover, and even though I woke up to a flooded basement and a mountain of work to do, I could not help but smile.
Regardless if things are going well or not, do not sacrifice these kinds of moments for routine or obligation. The to-do list never ends, but college will. The end of my junior year is creeping closer and closer every minute, and while I look forward to all summer and senior year have to offer, I cannot help but dig my feet deeper into the carpet and wish for one just more moment in this space, exactly as it is, exactly as I am.
Give yourself a homework break. Hit the snooze button one more time. Get one more round with your friends and stay for just one more dance. Let the dishes sit for one more night and grab your keys and meet your friends at the library. Text them good morning and make some plans. Allow these wonderful memories to come to you and do not shy away from anything today. The senior sentimental feelings will soon sweep you away with regret and incessant nostalgia, so take the time to make some memories you’ll never forget, or at least something to make you smile when the world catches up with you once more.
Abigail Carlin is a junior English language arts major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or alcarlin@eiu.edu.