‘Brass and Brew’ to feature music, drinks
February 21, 2018
The EIU Graduate/Faculty Brass Quintet will perform at “Brass and Brew” from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Charleston Country Club.
The event is hosted by the Academy of Lifelong Learning will feature music, conversation and fine microbrew offerings, according to the press release.
Eastern Provost Jay Gatrell will also give a brief program on the geography of beer.
The EIU Graduate/Faculty Brass Quintet will offer musical selections that will match a variety of regional microbrews available for purchase at the event.
The event is free and open to the public with food and drink available for purchase.
For more information about the Academy of Lifelong Learning, please visit www.eiu.edu/adulted/all.php, or contact by phone (217) 581-5114.
The News desk can be reached at 581-2812 or dennewsdesk@gmail.com.