Sean Says: Make the most of your time at college
February 2, 2018
It is weird to think that graduation is just over four months away. It feels like yesterday I came to visit Eastern in February 2014.
The time has flown by, but I can say without hesitation that it has been the best four years of my life. I would not change what has happened. Even with all the “bad” things that have happened with Eastern over the years, I still would not trade it.
I heard someone say the other day that they wish that Eastern was as fun as it was three years ago.
The way I see it is that if you are not enjoying your time in college, it is your fault.
It is so easy to get involved on this campus that you should not be bored.
And if going to class and then going to Marty’s on the weekend is all you need to have fun, then that is fine.
But hearing people say there is nothing to do here just confuses me. As cheesy as it is to say it, college is what you make it.
I have been able to meet some of the greatest people, who I can call my best friends, here. I know for sure that saying bye to the people I met here will be tough, because I may never see them again.
I know that I will see some of my best friends again post-college, but the ones I did not see often, yet still built a great relationship with, I may not.
Those are the toughest.
You only have four years, and while that may seem like a long time, it is not.
I knew that when I got to my senior year that I did not want to be sitting there wondering what could have been in college.
Eastern has so many opportunities that no one should be bored here. I would rather be up to my head working for the paper, covering basketball games over the weekend and taking photos than going to class, going back to my apartment and doing nothing.
To wrap up what I, and probably a majority of Eastern’s seniors, are thinking: where did the time go? Not once did it cross my mind wishing Eastern was what it used to be.
To me, this place only got better with time. You meet more and more people as you go through your years, and pretty soon it is gone.
I am not 100 percent sure what is waiting for me when I walk off that stage, but I do know that I have not wasted my time at Eastern or wish that it could have been better.
Something is only not fun if you make it that way.
Sean Hastings is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at