The amount of litter that gathers along the side of the streets, especially up and down seventh and sixth streets, is appalling. The trash resembles thick cottonwood in late July; actually, it makes cottonwood more desirable to keep around.
From crushed and smashed solo cups to shattered beer bottles to questionable articles of clothing that make the rest of us turn red in the face; whatever the piece of trash is, it is gaudy and an eye sore to anyone who visits Charleston.
The trash is inexcusable, unacceptable and an embarrassment to the university. Luckily, this problem can be fixed.
The staff at The Daily Eastern News realizes that it is common to focus all of our time, energy and beautification efforts on Eastern’s campus because it makes sense to that.
Of course we want to make sure the campus looks somewhat decent and presentable to not only attract prospective students but to show the rest of the community that students take pride in our campus and want to show it off like a priceless jewel.
Though the campus may look beautiful thanks to some students and the few grounds people left on campus, perhaps we as a student body should direct our attention off campus where many of us live but refuse to be a part of.
Sure, the campus may be beautiful but what good is it to have a beautiful campus on one side of the street and a mess that could one-up a dump on the other?
Living off campus may save some of us a heaping amount of money at the end of the month; however, when we signed that lease we also signed an obligation to clean up the area we live at since half the time we make the mess that has coined seventh and sixth streets as the “party streets.”
Honestly, if we can take the time to hold up a red solo cup and drink it up then we should be able to take the time to make sure the damn cup ends up in the black solo trash bag.
Believe it or not, students can serve a big role in the community and have the power to change the negative stigma that partners with “college towns.”
No more will students have to face negative and uncomfortable glares from residents if we show that we care about keeping the streets clean.
Now, we know that can not change minds and negative opinions entirely, but at least it is a start.
The staff is not saying to shut down the parties and the fun, but what we are saying is to clean up after yourselves the way your mothers raised you to do or the way you watched your cleaning lady do.
Students serve a great role in this community, we not only bring in revenue to many small town businesses, but we also make it possible to make a change.
Change is small but manageable and it takes one person or group to pave the way for change that will better the relationship between Eastern and Charleston all while making sure the environment is a little healthier for the rest of us.