Being part of a community is crucial to anyone’s college experience. It is when you are at college that you begin to find yourself through certain people, meaning the people you meet at Eastern might be the people who end up knowing you best. It is important to anyone’s college experience to seek out people and opportunities to make connections with those around them.
This is why going to the events part of Residents on Campus Fest would benefit many students. While it could be easy to roll your eyes at yet another event put on by the residence halls, they are a good way to meet people and have fun while doing it. Unlike the first week or so of school, there is less nervousness and beginning-of-school jitters. We have begun to settle into our routines, and by now many of us have already-established friend groups we eat lunch with in the dining halls, or go to Booth Library with to study.
However, there is nothing wrong with finding a few new friends or expanding one’s social group, especially with the people in your hall, which ROC Fest gives students the opportunity to do in a fun environment. While it has been said that “good fences make good neighbors,” this should not be the case in a university setting. Getting to know the quiet girl who lives down the hall by working together in a ROC Fest activity might give you a chance to get to know her better. Who knows? She might even be your best friend if you give her a chance.
Though it may not feel like it, you only live with your fellow residents or your roommate for a short time. Enjoy it while it lasts, and you might get some lifelong friendships out of it.
While the week is posed as a competition to see who is the “best hall,” it is also a way for those in both the same and different halls to get out of their rooms and get to know each other.
As the head of ROC fest said in Tuesday’s article about Tournament Night, staying in one’s room all day is not nearly as fun as going out and meeting people. Not only does this let you meet other people, but going out also get you more connected to the school. You will get to see everything the campus has to offer and feel more connected to the place itself as well.
And if you go to these activities, do not just be one of those people who stands by the wall the entire time. Participating in whatever is offered will ensure you have more fun than if you stand by and let your friends do everything.
Is there a chance you might feel or look a little silly doing these activities? Perhaps. But at the end of the day, if you are willing to go out of your comfort zone, you will have more fun.
ROC Fest is also raising money for hurricane relief, a commendable cause. If you have some change to spare, go to a residence hall and help the cause out. Any amount helps. If everyone donates just a little money, it will add up.