Supernatural scavenger hunt set for Saturday

Olivia Swenson-Hultz, Staff Reporter

The inaugural Casper Cruise, a scavenger hunt around Charleston, will kick off 2 p.m. Saturday at Bob’s Bookstore, 303 Lincoln Ave.

Participants will go around Charleston using hints to hunt down historical locations and take a selfie when they find one of the places.

The Casper Cruise is $8 per person or $20 for a team of people.

After the scavenger hunt, participants can join a paranormal 101 class and go on a ghost hunt at 8:30 p.m. in the Coles County Health Department, 825 18th St.

With the help of Chris Thrasher of Sight Paranormal, an investigation team from Indianapolis, participants will learn about the basics of paranormal research and will view demonstrations of the equipment used in paranormal investigations.

The class costs $10 and will be followed by a paranormal investigation using methods taught in the class.

The investigation costs $20.

For $80, a team of three can gain admission to the scavenger hunt, paranormal 101 and the paranormal investigation.

The proceeds for this event will be used to raise money for CIL-Con, a paranormal, horror, anime and gaming convention at the Cross County Mall on Sept. 8-9. It will also help raise money for Spook Show Con, featuring a horror film festival and a haunted house. Spook Show Con is set for July 14-15 at the Cross County Mall. Both of those conventions are free.

Tickets can be purchased online at


Olivia Swenson-Hultz can be reached at 581-2812 or