Community breakfast to focus on Eastern impact study
March 8, 2017
The “Our Town” community breakfast will focus on Eastern’s economic contributions to Coles County with a presentation on the 2017 Economic Impact Study.
The breakfast will take place from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Thursday in the Unique Suites Hotel. Registration is required and can be completed by filling out a form on either Chamber’s website.
Tickets prices for chamber members are $20 and are $30 for non-members.
The 2017 Economic Impact Study provides statistical data on employment, student spending and gross domestic product that are affected by Eastern.
According to the impact study, every 1,000 Eastern students spend a total of $8.6 million annually in Coles County.
Cindy White, Charleston area chamber of commerce president, said the purpose of the breakfast is for the chamber members to be aware of what is happening in the surrounding communities.
“An impact study of Eastern’s effects on the community has not been done since 2012, and a lot has changed. It’s good information for Dr. Glassman to use when he goes to Springfield and speaks to the appropriations committee for funding.”
White said every participant will receive a physical copy of the impact study and will hear a presentation from Coles Together President Angela Griffin.
“Coles Together was the primary entity. She helped get the data and analyze it. That’s why she is giving the report,” White said.
This is the third year both the Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce and the Mattoon Chamber of Commerce collaborated for the breakfast.
Four speakers will share updates about the areas they represent.
Eastern President David Glassman will not be in attendance, but Lynette Drake, interim vice president for student affairs, will provide information on Eastern.
James Hull, vice president for workforce solutions and community education, will give an update for Lake Land College in place of President Josh Bullock.
Other speakers include Charleston Mayor Brandon Combs and Mattoon Mayor Tim Gover.
“It’s an opportunity for chamber members to hear first hand from those five people, talk to them and ask questions,” White said.
After the presentations, participants will have a chance to give feedback, ask questions and offer suggestions during a question-and-answer portion.
The breakfast will be offered in a buffet style so participants can help themselves.
Kalyn Hayslett can be reached at 581-2812 or