From Myopic Books in Chicago to Bob’s Bookstore in Charleston, musicians and artists alike have the opportunity to play all types of instruments during an improvisational music workshop at 7 p.m. Saturday inside Bob’s Bookstore on the corner of Sixth Street and Monroe.
“Its real freeform music,” Bob’s Bookstore owner Joe Judd said. “Most of the time, the things that are played aren’t necessarily instruments. It’s like hand made things.”
Originally beginning in Chicago, Judd found a way to bring this musical tradition to Charleston with help from local Charleston musician Bruce Goble.
“The whole thing is very experimental,” Judd said. “I don’t know how it all works together, but it just does.”
The two met earlier this year, and Goble, knowing about the Chicago workshops and having a few unique instruments of his own, brought the idea to Judd who, Goble said, was thrilled about the idea.
“We’re looking for people who are open to trying everything,” Goble said. “Right now, we are open to continue developing whatever this develops into.”
The first workshop was six weeks ago and Goble brought his own handmade instruments like cigar box guitars and xylophones made out of wrenches and wooden boxes.
“I try to bring something different every time,” Goble said. “I liked the idea of musicians who have never played with each other before with instruments they don’t normally play.”
Judd said people were making music using digital soundboards, and some were even just blowing bubbles into a glass and making music that way.
Goble has grown up with music since his father is a music teacher. He said his musical experience had a traditional background, but he was always interested in unconventional way of making music.
Some of Goble’s musical experiments include him hooking up a drum trigger to a slink and listening to the sound that it makes.
“It’s not what people might think of as music, per say,” Goble said. “It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s very hands on and people are always open to play.”
Since 2012, Goble has worked on making music with Tarble Arts Center assistant director and exhibition curator Mike Schuetz.
The two have two bands, or musical projects together and also have performed in the workshop together.
One project is called “Clampett” which is similar to the improvisational workshop where the instruments played are homemade.
“Black Eyelids” is their second project, which is more of a blues improv band. Both Goble and Schuetz make and play instruments together outside of the workshop.
“(The workshop) is for people to just come in there and do just about anything,” Goble said. “It’s a space of performance for people who don’t normally get to experience that sort of thing.”
The improv workshop has been held every Saturday since its inception six weeks ago, and last for a few hours. Goble said that Judd is willing to extend the time if enough people show up.
“People think that with music you need to learn this and learn that, but I think if you can pick it up and make noise on it, you can make music, too,” Goble said.
Angelica Cataldo can be reached at 581-2812 or