This month, Eastern’s philosophy department will be taking on the topic of the undead during the “Do Zombies Walk Among Us” panel 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26 in the Coleman Hall Auditorium.
Jason Waller, Grant Sterling, Brian Beakley and Gary Aylesworth will be the four philosophy faculty members leading the panel to discuss zombies.
Each panelist will have no more than 10 minutes to make their points and state their thoughts. After each panelist has spoken, the floor will open up to the audience for a question-and-answer session.
“To me, the most fun part (of the panel) is what panel members or the audience think are important,” said Sterling. “It always surprises me some of the things panelists say or bring up.”
Sterling said the panelists are able to take the topic and choose how they wish to go about researching and talking about it.
“Some philosophers may discuss things that aren’t necessarily the idea of a classical zombie. It could just be the concept of a zombie or what it means to be dead,” Sterling said. “(Panelists) are allowed to just take an idea and run with it.”
Sterling said that he does not plan to talk about the idea of zombies portrayed in popular culture, but instead, talk about the “concept of life and the connective issues of the mind.” He also said he likes to see what direction people will go with for all the topics that have been discussed.
“I’ve never done a talk about zombies before, but I’m going to argue that the notion of a zombie, at least the one depicted in movies and books, doesn’t make sense,” Sterling said.
In previous years, the event has taken many forms such as a one-on-one debates or question-and-answer panels. Last year the philosophy department held similar events asking questions about the existence of a god and the devil.
Sterling said he would not consider himself a paranormal, however, he said he was interested and open to listen to the ideas of his colleagues.
“There will be a variety of perspectives, but I don’t know exactly what they’ll be,” Sterling said. “I think that’s what makes it interesting.”
Kit Morice, the Tarble Arts Center curator of education, will also be in attendance as a special guest of the event.
Free Tarot card readings will also be held before the panel. The event is free to the public and will also have free candy for those in attendance.
Angelica Cataldo can be reached at 581-2812 or