Global Culture Night to unify diverse groups
September 29, 2016

Ernest Echefu, a graduate student and Samira Issaka, a senior chemistry major walk the stage during the Global Cultural Night fashion show in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Issaka hails from Ghana and Echefu is from Nigeria.
The Association of International Students holds its Global Culture Night from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday.
AIS president Beluchukwu Ebede, or Ben, said the purpose of Global Culture Night is to promote various cultures around the world, as well as to promote unity in diversity.
“I am very excited about this program. My knowledge of other countries and their culture has been boosted through this program,” Edebe said. “The main purpose is to unite all nations even in our diversities and let everyone appreciate other people’s culture and be proud of our various heritage.”
A fashion show will be held with a selected group of students showing off their native attire. There will also be a drama show, where people portray a common experience from their culture.
The night will be filled with cultural music, dancing and family games as well. India, Africa and Europe are just a few of the cultures that will be displayed throughout the night.
Winners of the International Students Essay Competition will be presented with cash prizes for the first time. The prizes are $100, $75 and $50 for the first, second and third place winners.
Edebe also said people should know that Global Culture Night is a night to celebrate everyone’s culture, and people who come should have open minds and be ready to embrace new values and cultures.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is also helping AIS run the event.
Normally, Chi Alpha holds a “Last Friday” event on the last Friday of every month, providing a night themed for a different region around the world, but members decided to partner with AIS for Global Culture Night this month. They will continue with “Last Friday” next month.
Chi Alpha president, Mark Bettinger, said he is excited to help AIS with their event.
“[My wife Jen and I] know how it feels to be thousands of miles away from friends and family and we want EIU to be the most welcoming campus for international students in the nation.”
AIS encourages students and the public, American and international people alike, to come and celebrate world cultures with them.
To get into the event, tickets are sold at the door for $2 the day of and are also sold in advance.
Tickets can be bought in advance in two bundles: three tickets for $5 or seven tickets for $10. These bundles will stop being sold on Friday.
To buy tickets in advance, people can email AIS at, or go to the office of international students and scholars in room 1170 in Blair Hall.
Many activities will take place on Saturday to showcase cultural diversity.
Dillan Schorfheide can be reached at 581-2812 or