Editorial: Help children understand tragedies

Staff Editorial

Fifteen years ago yesterday, the shape of American life, politics, travel, culture and security changed irreversibly.

We need not remind the reader what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. Instead, we would like to remind the reader what they should take away from a national tragedy and of how we should move forward as a nation and as individuals.

Before the murmurs of “when can we just move on?” and “at what point can 9/11 become a regular day again?” grow too loud, The News would like to ask its readers to help future generations understand why remembering 9/11 and understanding its historical significance is of the utmost importance in understanding what is currently happening at home and abroad.

9/11 changed how we look at terror and extremism. It changed how governments treat and examine their citizens. Culturally, Americans changed. We took to new value systems and began casting suspicious glances at people we previously did not mind or notice. All these effects, the good ones and the bad, are but the aftershocks following a single event.

As students reporting for a student newspaper, the staff of The News values education in all its facets. Holistic education, including education on current events and analysis of our daily lives, is something near and dear to us. We believe that, at this point in history and in this particular year, understanding 9/11’s effects is of the utmost importance.

Please take the time to help the future’s citizens understand. Afterwards, we also suggest that you take a moment to enjoy the people and comforts in your life: they are not permanent.