Charleston City Council approves yearly budget
April 19, 2016
The Charleston City Council approved a new annual budget at its meeting Tuesday night.
City Comptroller Heather Kuykendall spoke at a public hearing on the proposed budget before it was voted on.
“Key financial indicators at this point show that we continue to be in a good financial situation; the budget should put us in a place of another productive year in the city,” Kuykendall said.
Kuykendall said there is $24,662,893 total for budget expenses in the approved budget starting May 1. The budget includes two loans, one for a potential federal grant if needed. The second loan will be for the purchase of two dump trucks that were in last year’s budget.
The budget will also cover expenses in the community such as sidewalk and street repairs, park and pavilion improvements, concrete patching repairs and other projects.
The council voted in favor of a 3 percent increase of ambulance services for the Charleston Fire Department starting May 1. The base rate for full-time Eastern students and residents within city limits will be $424.91 for Basic Life Support, $803.93 for Advanced Life Support and $803.93 for Advanced Life Support II.
For non-residents and those who reside outside of city limits, the charge will be $607.02 for Basic Life Support, $955.33 for Advanced Life Support and $1,148.47 for Advance Life Support II calls.
The council approved the purchase of a cot power-load system for fire department personnel for a price not exceeding $22,767. Combs said this will alleviate injuries, making it easier for the department to help patients by lifting them in the ambulance.

Charleston Mayor Brandon Combs gives Brendan Lynch the first Mayor Citizenship Award at the city council meeting Tuesday in Charleston City Hall.
Combs announced his appointment of Brendan Lynch to the Charleston Tourism Advisory Board and recognized his contributions to the community by giving him the Mayor Citizenship Award. Combs said this is the first time this award has been distributed to a member of the community. Combs read a prepared statement about Lynch and mentioned some of his contributions in the Charleston area.
“He’s volunteered well over 500 hours per year for each of the last three years,” Combs said. “He organizes various clean-up days around (Lake Charleston), and he actively participates in charitable activities.”
Combs said Lynch works directly with a variety of groups on Eastern’s campus, including the Construction Club, Men’s and Women’s Track teams, and the ROTC.
The council authorized a street closure on the Courthouse Square for the Farmers Market starting June 1 and continuing every Wednesday after until October 26, 2016.
The council will be setting aside $1,000 for the Lincoln Log Cabin expenses relating to 2015 brochure printing costs. To cover expenses for the Charleston Chill’s Invitational & Summer Slam, the city council will be giving $2,000.
The council will be paying the amount of $2,238 for Eastern’s kinesiology and sports studies department relating to expenses for the IHSA Girls State Badminton Championship.
The council will be giving tourism funds to Charleston Transitional Facility Illinois, CIL-Con, a paranormal, horror, anime, and gaming convention, and the Coles County Memorial Airport.
Combs announced his reappointments of Lori, Banks, Craig Cunningham and Bob Wiseman to three-year-terms on the Charleston Carnegie Library Board of Trustees.
Lynnsey Veach can be reached at 581-2812 or