Catie Witt keeps going the extra mile
Catie Witt
January 21, 2016
Ask people about Catie Witt on campus, and you are likely to hear the comment, “She goes the extra mile.”
Catie Witt is a junior double majoring in communication studies and political science from Carlinville, Illinois.
After graduating from Carlinville High School as her class president, she now has continued to be a leader on campus.
Witt has been continuously involved in programs including Student Government, acting as their Executive Vice President.
Witt said one of her duties as Executive Vice President is to attend Board of Trustees meetings as the student representative.
Witt said it has been a great experience participating in the Board of Trustees, since she has made many connections with the Eastern community and alumni.
Witt said being the student representative comes with some benefits and challenges.
“Sometimes it’s really challenging since I’m just one student, giving the opinion of every student,” Witt said. “It’s also difficult to know how students feel about certain issues, when many say they don’t care.”
Witt said she does enjoy attending the public meetings for the Board of Trustees, because it gives her the chance to share her input and opinion on a variety of issues on campus.
Witt has also been the treasurer for the Political Science Association, but is currently only a member of the organization.
“The PSA has great leadership and it is improving as an organization,” Witt said. “I love being a part of the PSA because I am with my peers who care about the organization.”
Witt said she has always had a huge passion and interest for politics and the way our government works.
Witt said she grew up with a family that is involved in politics.
“That’s always the conversation at our dinner table,” she said.
Witt said the PSA encourages students to get more involved in politics and vote in upcoming elections.
Jose Durbin, president of the Political Science Association, said he enjoys working with Witt and appreciates her help.
“(Catie) is amazing, and goes above and beyond her call of duty,” Durbin said. “She will take time to help others even though she may not have time.”
Since 2016 is a presidential election year, the PSA is planning on having voter registration drives to increase student voting.
“I think it’s important for our age group to vote,” Witt said. “I feel like our generation makes up a big part of the population.”
Witt also takes the course Model Illinois Government, where she attends a simulation held in Springfield during the semester.
Jeff Ashley, a political science professor that teaches the course, said Witt was an active member of the model House last year and will be running for an executive position this year.
Ashley said Catie is a breath of fresh air.
“She’s always upbeat and energizing those around her,” Ashley said.
Witt also holds leadership positions in her sorority Alpha Gamma Delta and said since she joined her freshman year she has had many great experiences.
Kelsie Abolt, a junior family and consumer sciences major and member of Alpha Gamma Delta said Catie is not only the sorority’s president elect, but also was Homecoming Princess and the Correspondent Coordinator for Alpha Gamma Delta.
“Catie’s contribution to our organization is far more than what can be put on paper,” Abolt said. “Not only has she served in many leadership positions, she exceeds all requirements of a member and always goes the extra mile to serve and inspire our sisterhood.”
Abolt said Catie’s presence and fiery passion touches every heart of every member of Alpha Gamma Delta and the sisters think and dream bigger because of her powerful influence.
“Last fall, Catie encouraged me to apply for leadership roles that were foreign to me but I knew I could trust her judgement,” Abolt said.
Witt said she enjoys volunteering at community events in Charleston with her sorority sisters and it is one of her favorite groups she is a part of on campus.
“We work with Jefferson Elementary School both semesters, and help out at basketball tournaments by taking score or volunteering to coach,” Witt said. “I can’t dribble so I take score of the games.”
Witt said she is glad she chose to study at Eastern since she has made so many new friends, experiences, memories and possibilities for her future endeavors.
Lynnsey Veach can be reached at 581-2812 or