Student Senate approves disbursement of funds

Sydney Edwards, Copy Editor

The Student Senate approved several spending resolutions from the Apportionment Board during its an emergency meeting on Wednesday.

The senate approved the $16,000 the University Board asked for to put on its Pantherstock event in the spring.

Senator JaLisa Smith said she was not impressed with Pantherstock last year and does not think that much money should be spent on one day.

Katie St. John, chair of the student internal affairs committee, said she agreed with Smith.

Courtney Sage, the student vice president for student affairs, said she thinks Pantherstock would benefit the students.

Student Body President Shirmeen Ahmad, said she thinks the event would be great for all students.  

“Pantherstock is a last send off,” Ahmad said.  

Senator Bryce Mullins said he does not think the funds should go toward “Pantherstock.”  

Ahmad asked Mullins and his fellow senators to “step back and look at how much $16,000 really is.” 

Sage said she also thought students should consider the costs of such events.

“You have to put a lot of money in to put good money in,” Sage said. “Last year it was a big event with a good turn out and it was making good things.” 

The Apportionment Board did not approve the senate’s request for spending for OrgSync, a website intended to improve student communication among registered student organizations.

The senate has $28,564.60 leftover in its reserve account, and Ahmad said members can try for OrgSync again next year if they want to.

The senate also approved a resolution for the disbursement of $18,349 into a reserve account to go to the Student Recreation Center. 

Senators said they were interested to use the new software that the recreation center would be able to purchase with the money. 

The senate passed a resolution to spend $10,586.40 for the “It’s On Us” sexual assault prevention program.

The senators said the program was a good cause and they had successful turnouts to the events previously.  

Ahmad encouraged senators to buy T-shirts for the program and said the shirts will be offered in royal blue, black and heather grey.  

Finally, the senate approved a resolution to spend $1,500 for Prowlin’ with the Prez events.

Sage said she approved the event to have its own budget so Stephen Simpson, student vice president for academic affairs, would not have to “scrape for money.”

Simpson said the events next semester would include “Pancakes with the Prez”, “Paint-a-sip”, “Piñata with the Prez” and “Panther Party.” 

Simpson said the Latin American Student Organization will be working with the senate next semester.  

Catie Witt, executive vice president, said Prowlin’ with the Prez is good way for students to get to know their president. 

“(Students) meet the new president and express their concerns. If they don’t have time to email or call his office, they can just talk to him there,” Witt said. “They get to come hang with the guy who runs the university.” 

The senate approved a resolution to honor Rachel Fisher, director of student community service, as she ends her last semester at Eastern.


Sydney Edwards can be reached at 581-2812 or