Fashion course gains popularity

Photo by Lexi Stickel

A mini mannequin is used by a student first before replicating it on a much larger mannequin.

Lexi Stickel, Verge reporter

Eastern has many courses in the FCS department that student do not know about. One of the classes is Pattern Development and Design: FCS 4838.

According to the EIU catalog FCS 4838 is, “Application of flat patterning theories and techniques to create original apparel and accessory products using industry state-of-the-art patterning software.”

Katherine Shaw, associate professor and departmental honors coordinator, said that this class is only offered in the spring semesters.

The purpose of this class is to teach students how to design, sew, pattern, and create a finished product, Shaw said.

It holds 12-to-15 people and it fills up very fast Shaw said.

To be in this course you must also take the beginning sewing course.

Shaw said that there are many things that are taught in this course such as how to pattern a garment and flat patterning before draping.

“This course teaches the student how to design their own patterns which is taking the basics a step further,” Shaw said.

At the end of the semester the course likes to have a fashion show that showcases all of the work the students have done throughout the semester, Shaw said.

For the fashion show they have a gallery exhibit and invite people to come look at the work, Shaw said.

In the beginning years it was harder to fill, but now that it has increased in popularity it has gotten easier to fill, Shaw said.

“This class is always evolving because fashion is always evolving and we are always looking for new trends as a basis for their designs”, Shaw said.

Shaw said that this class goes in hand with the registered student organization Merchanding and Apparel Design Association MADA. They go hand in hand because we both design our own clothing and put on fashion shows Shaw said.

MADA is a good group if fashion is an interest, they meet every Wednesday at 6:15 in Klehm 2411.

Lexi Stickel can be reached at 581-2812 or