In light of the recent off-campus incidents happening in Charleston, Eastern students are worried of the rumor spreading in regards to possible gang retaliation during Halloween weekend.
Jenny Cisneros, a freshman pre-physical therapy major, said Eastern has many rumors about what is happening Halloween weekend and it is scary. She said she believes there will be a shooting.
“I’m not saying there is going to be a mass shooting but you never know,” Cisneros said.
Charleston Police Department Lt. Brad Oyer said the department is fully aware of the rumor, but can’t validate it; however, officials take all rumors very seriously.
Oyer said there was no way to relate if the rumor started because of the shootings that happened Thursday evening or the recent fight at Wal-Mart.
Oyer said because it’s Hallow’s Eve, officers will be vigilant and on patrol all weekend.
“It’s easy to start a rumor,” Oyer said, “We take the safety of Charleston, Eastern (and) students very seriously.”
Grayson Proffitt, a freshman music education major, said he does not believe the hype of the gangs traveling down to Eastern for a shootout.
“Just from my personal views and ideas I don’t believe that there’s anyone coming down from Chicago that’s going to cause more of a ruckus that has already been going on,” Proffitt said.
Proffitt also said he thinks the rumors started from people trying to prove they were tougher than they actually are.
“I think that everyone should still be worried about your own safety no matter what’s going on,” Proffit said. “But as far as gang stuff, I don’t believe anyone should be scared.”
Proffitt has heard the robberies around campus are new and said he thinks it is all for attention.
Oyer said when walking students need to keep alert and not always be on their phones when walking, know their surroundings and travel in well-lit areas in pairs.
T’Nerra Butler contributed to this article
Roberto Hodge can be reached at 581-2812 or