Column: Mediafest offers wisdom to students
September 18, 2015
Mediafest was the scene in Buzzard Hall Thursday.
Mediafest, hosted by the Society for Collegiate Journalists and The Agency, is an annual event where many forms of journalistic media converge to explain what their organization does and how to get involved.
The event is also a way to allow journalism students who have had internships speak on a panel to answer any questions and give advice on how they landed their summertime gig.
In short, Mediafest is like Pantherpalooza, but for those interested in student media whether it is print, broadcast or radio, which is a great thing.
Getting involved in student media as a journalist or even communication studies major is an important way to get a foot in the door for employment.
There are many different student media groups that will allow students to see if their major really is something they want to do for the rest of their life.
There is The Daily Eastern News, The Agency, The Warbler, Hit-Mix 88.9 FM , WEIU TV and The Vehicle.
One of the rare benefits of Mediafest is that many of the students who work in those outlets have majors in that discipline and are getting invaluable experience for that field.
Seeing fellow peers who not only are studying, but gaining experience in their field at the same time can be encouraging to those prospective students who are undecided in what they want to do.
Being part of any student media group also gives a student experience in media, and it can greatly benefit a student after college.
Employers will be more apt to hire people who were part of an organization and gained experience than someone who did not.
Being part of an organization can also students when applying for internships.
Employers will see that a student has already been involved in some sort of media, and an internship can also lead to a job offer after college or open the door for job opportunities.
That said, I had a chance to speak on the internship panel with fellow student media workers and after hearing them speak further solidified why I sacrificed my early mornings.
Speaking on the panel was also beneficial because one student who was obviously very curious about how the internship process worked asked lots of questions.
Being able to have an event where students who are curious about media can ask questions regarding jobs and internships is a bright sign.
It shows there are some who are interested in what their major is and want to learn more.
When departments or programs have events where they can show students the different activities they have is an awesome thing especially for incoming students.
Mediafest was not the only chance to get involved in student media.
A student can go to any of these organizations and join.
Student media will always welcome new and eager members who are ready to get involved.
Coming to a new university can be intimidating and trying to find organizations that allow for creativity and interaction with those who share the same interest can be hard as well.
Getting involved in something on campus is not only a great way to get experience and get a nice resume booster, but it also gives room to step out and meet new people.
Roberto Hodge is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or