Glassman plans to improve minority enrollment
David Glassman, newly elected president of Eastern, speaks at a press conference introducing him as the new president at the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union, Mon. March 2, 2015 in the University Ballroom. Glassman will begin his position this summer June 1, 2015.
May 3, 2015
With newly appointed president David Glassman set to take over the position on June 1, he has begun to lay out some of his plans to boost the minority student population at Eastern.
Glassman, who is currently the provost for Bradley University, said one way to help the enrollment troubles is to make sure the university remains affordable and available to minority students.
“Continuing to enhance the culture of inclusion among the campus community will be valuable in demonstrating to prospective minority students that Eastern respects diversity,” he said.
Glassman said it is important to provide a welcoming and nurturing campus.
“Minority students who are already attending Eastern and having a positive experience are the best ambassadors for raising the number of students by sharing their positive experiences,” Glassman said.
Glassman said reaching out to more students from other states could be one possible way of improving minority numbers at Eastern.
“(I would start by) proactively reaching out to prospective minority students across the state and beyond and sharing with them the benefits of an Eastern education,” Glassman said.
Glassman also said he would tell prospective students about Eastern’s commitment to inclusion using specific examples and stories of minority students’ accomplishments.
With working with the different minority organizations on campus, Glassman said he plans to meet and work with them to help bring more participation.
“I look forward to working with the minority student organizations, collaborating with them on important issues and attending their events,” Glassman said.
Jason Blumenthal, Bradley University’s student body president, said Glassman is well liked at Bradley and is very interactive with Bradley students.
“The provost has been very much involved with student planning and how to improve faculties,” Blumenthal said. “I know he attends almost every men’s basketball game, and he shows support by showing up to different events on campus.”
Cameron Greenbaum, a freshman kinesiology and sports studies major, said he hopes Glassman can accomplish bringing in more minority students to Eastern.
“I believe Glassman has the right idea in mind; he seeks positivity and friendship among all fellow students of Eastern Illinois University,” Greenbaum said. “I believe he will do a great job as the new leader of the school and do a great job in following President Perry’s footsteps.”
Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or